MAY 19-20, 2017
A great opportunity to meet people & share ideas
The Open Southeast Asia workshop serves as a catalyst for students, professionals (from governmental organizations as well as from NGOs - both are welcome) and academics — empowering them with general knowledge about open data, but also providing examples of how open data is practically applied in Southeast Asia and Germany. Moreover, we would like to raise the question how civil society can actually participate and benefit from it. We are aiming to bring people from different fields together to present their topics and share their ideas.
-> More events
Beyond that, we set up a special issue of the südostasien magazine (03/2017) in regard of open data and social media in the region. As another goal of the workshop, we would like to create fields of interest, publish results or introduce related activities/projects of participants. Therefore, speakers and participants are highly welcomed to contribute articles to the forthcoming issue.
-> Call for Papers



... has been with Open Knowledge Foundation Germany since 2014 and is Code for Germany’s Community Organizer. She supports, consults and coordinates 25 Open Knowledge Labs in Germany. She studies the sociology of technology at the Technical University in Berlin and holds a degree in Ethnology. She has strong ties to a number of different NGOs that are connected to OKF DE’s work and has been active in the field of digital literacy for a number of years.

SOCIAL ACTIVIST a social activist from Indonesia. He works for Kemitraan (Partnership for Governance Reform). On DIY basis he developed a multimedia capable drone as a tool to map the rural landscape on the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia for the purpose to reval illegal mining activities and to support the indigenous population of the island who suffers from land grabbing. During the weekend he will give us more insight about his project, the situation in regard of illegal mining and logging in Indonesia and the potential of using drones for community-based counter-mapping.

Hong Phuc Dang
... is originally from Vietnam, has lived in the US, Singapore and UAE. She is the founder of FOSSASIA. FOSSASIA is an initiative which aims to scrape an inspiring community across borders and ages to form a better future with Open Technologies and ICT. Hong Phuc organizes events like the annual FOSSASIA Summit (est. 2009) and has put together Science Hackdays across Vietnam, Singapore, India, UAE and China.

Wimonsiri Hemtanon
... is a researcher based at Mahidol University, Bangkok. Since 2011 she is doing research on protest movements and their use of social media, especially of Facebook within Thailand. She will tell us more about the powers and dangers of using social media in hinsight of democratization processes and participation, but also how authotarian regimes use this tools for their purposes.

Andreas Pawelke
... is the Lab Director of the Web Foundation’s Open Data Lab Jakarta. Before joining the Web Foundation, he worked as an associate expert at the administrative reforms support programme of GIZ Indonesia and also spent time seconded to the World Bank and UN Global Pulse, exploring innovative solutions at the intersection of governance, technology, and open as well as big data. As a member of the project team at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, he was involved in shaping Germany’s Open Data initiative.

... has been working as forester in reforestation projects throughout Latin America and Southeast Asia. Deforestation and its severe effects on the ecosystems and the environment of local people are very high in these regions. Looking for alternative forest management methods, motivated him and two of his friends to found OpenForests in 2011, which is specialized in forest information management.

... is a researcher at the Department of Information Science at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. Her research interests are smart cities, social media, libraries and open government. As a lecturer she is working with students on Open Data projects. Further she is an active member of the OK Lab Düsseldorf and participates in open government activities together with OKNRW.

Tobias Siebenlist
... is a researcher at the Department of Information Science at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. His main research interests are (emotional) information retrieval, natural language processing and digital humanities. As a lecturer he focus on developing software projects with undergraduate and graduate students.

…works as an advisor of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the field of Digital Development. The focus of her work lies on open, yet safe ‘responsible data’ approaches – for transparent and accountable governments, companies and algorithms - and for safe & sovereign citizens, costumers & users.

Fahmi Panimbang
…is a labour activist with LIPS (Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane/Sedane Labor Resource Center) in Indonesia. Fahmi worked as a programme coordinator on capital mobility at Asia Monitor Resource Centre in Hong Kong (2010-2016). His recent publications include “Global Supply Chains: Struggle within or against them?” in Lessons for Social Change in the Global Economy: Voices from the Field and “Labour Strikes in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia, 1998-2013” in Strikes and Workers Movements in the 21st Century .

…is a board member of CorrelAid, a young, german-based network of young data-analysts advocating the potential of data for good, helping NGOs trough data-analysis and sharing knowledge trough workshops and meet-ups. Regina is a data-enthusiast holding a bachelor degree in Political Science, works at the German Institute for Development Evaluation and is currently studying International Relations and Development Politics. She will give an introduction to the concept of data-for-good and an insight to CorrelAids’ work with different NGOs.

... is a researcher burning for media and cultural studies as well as digital transformations. He serves as an executive manager for the Strategic Partnerships unit at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) of Bonn University. He is also associated with the Dept. Digital Society at the FIW. Under his brand reflexionsinstanz, he pushes EDU-projects, conducts train-the-trainer-workshops, acts as a consultant for organizations and social entrepreneurs. He is committed to sustainability and unique events. And: he loves the sea. .

... is an assistant professor at the Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies with a focus on Southeast Asia at the University of Passau, Germany. She is also Head of the Board of the Southeast Asian Information Centre (Südostasien Informationsstelle). She works on social media, environmental transformations, dimensions of differentiation in ethnicity and gender, and civil society organizations in Southeast Asia.

... is a member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS). His PhD research focuses on exploring contemporary social movements in Thailand, their use of the web and social media in hinsight of mobilization and influx on democratization processes. Beyond that, he works in the field of science funding. Frank is also a board member of the Südostasien Informationsstelle in Cologne.

... is a Webgeographer, Open Data Enthusiast and works as Digital Consultant. Since 2015 he has been the Lab Lead of the "Open Knowledge Lab Bonn" and an acting member of "Offene Kommunen.NRW".
- 14:00 Registration
- 15:00 Opening
- 15:30 Fiona Krakenbürger: State of the Open
- 16:00 Hong Phuc Dang: Open-source: The power of sharing
- 16:30 +++++++++ Break +++++++++
- 16:45 Irendra Radjawali: Politics of Space in Indonesia: landgrabbing, agrarian reform and counter mapping
- 17:15 Wimonsiri Hemtanon - Framing on Facebook: understanding new media and impact on Thai society
- 17:45 Andreas Pawelke: The State of Open Data in Southeast Asia - Taking a Look at the latest Trends in Data Supply and Use
- 18:30 Discussion & Workshop Briefing
- 20:00 Screening: "THE BORNEO CASE"
- 09:00 Registration & Opening
- 09:30 Fiona Krakenbürger & Damian Paderta
- 09:30 Alexander WatsonOpen Technologies for Sustainable Reforestation in Indonesia
- 11:00 +++++++++ Break +++++++++
- 11:15 Hong Phuc Dang How to engage people across SEA working on open technology for social change
- 11:15 Wimonsiri Hemtanon From online to reality: related Law enforcement in Thailand
- 12:45 +++++++++ Lunch +++++++++
- 14:00 Irendra Radjawali The neoliberal-fascism nexus in Jakarta's governor election: Information, pseudo science and media
- 14:00 Agnes Mainka & Tobias Siebenlist & Katsiaryna Baran Basic conditions, availability, and the value added of open data in comparison - Part 1
- 14:00 Anne DooseOpen, but safe! ‘Responsible’ data approaches and reflections on successfully open public private civic (data) partnerships
- 15:30 +++++++++ Break +++++++++
- 15:45 Agnes Mainka & Tobias Siebenlist & Katsiaryna Baran Basic conditions, availability, and the value added of open data in comparison - Part 2
- 15:45 Fahmi Panimbang The situation of workers in the IT production in Indonesia - about labour rights and toxic chemicals
- 15:45 Open Session | Andias Alam - Kampoeng Cyber | Regina Siegers - Data-For-Good
- 17:30 Discussion
- 18:00 Closing

The Borneo Case tells the compelling story of the destruction of the Borneo rainforest and of the hunt for the billions of dollars that have been filtered away into secret bank accounts and property portfolios around the world.
Friday, 19.05 - 20 h - Bonner Universitätsforum Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn - Free Entrance - please register!